Teaching is a vocation | Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" Department of Public Health of Pavlodar Region of the Akimat of Pavlodar Region

Teaching is a vocation

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Woman at the helm

Woman of action


Фото Ситказиновой Г.К. 6.09.2016Everyone who works hard today at medical colleges works for the future and should expect themselves to be responsible for the future. The happiest employee is the one who works under the direction of the leader who cares. The leader who is able to strike a spark out of staff and bring love and knowledge lightened by this purest feeling. Today we are going to tell you about our Principal, Sitkazinova Gulnara Kinzhitaevna. She has everything what true orchestrator needs: talent, smartness, soul, empathy, patience and the irresistible energy. Gulnara Kinzhitaevna is the Physician and honoured Health Organizer of a higher category, Master of Economy and Business in Management, special subjects teacher of a higher category with a rich work experience in public health care field. She is a modern administrator who can be described as a highly skilled practitioner, creative and tolerant person who always sets her heart on self-perfection.

Under her guidance our college became one of the leading educational institutions in the system of professional education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Under her leadership a purposeful effective work is carried out to provide quality educational services in order to train the competitive qualified medical professionals in accordance with the existing and prospective requirements of the society.

Gulnara Kinzhitaevna creates optimal conditions for working in the college, improving the material and technical base, introducing innovative educational technologies in order to maintain and expand the sphere of educational activity. Carries out effective measures to expand social partnership and international cooperation.

The college works in accordance with the international standard of the quality management system. There is an international quality certificate No. 01 100 1518810 dated July 3, 2015 for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 TUV Rheinland Cert GmbH.

Pavlodar Medical College received the status of the Higher College in 2016-2017 academic year resulting from the reform of the medical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to implement the State Program of the education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, evaluation of the quality of college activities and educational programs, the college was one of the first in the region to undergo institutional and specialized accreditation in five specialties between 16 and 20 of May, 2016: 0301000-Medical Care, 0302000-Nursing Care, 0304000-Dentistry, 0306000-Pharmacy, 0307000-Orthopedic Dentistry.

There are Continuous Education and Simulation Studies Centres for the Advanced Training and Retraining of Medium-Level Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers as well as providing medical training, testing, certification, objective evaluation of professional preparedness and affirmation of health professionals' qualifications using simulation technologies.

For the purpose of mutual cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Finland, our college continues working on the implementation of the educational program of an Applied Bachelor's Degree in Nursing Care.

An accelerated educational program of the Applied Bachelor's Degree in Nursing Care was implemented in a pilot mode in 2016-2017 academic year. This event was coincided with the World Bank Project "Technology Transfer and Institutional Reform in the Healthcare Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Under the Project on Technology Transfer and Institutional Reform in the Health Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, our college was visited by Dan Ovidiu Ava, the representative of the World Bank Mission, who gave a positive evaluation to the implementation of the educational program of the Applied Bachelor's Degree. Also he shot a video about the college which is broadcast on the television channels of other countries.

In order to develop international cooperation and experience exchange, Pavlodar Higher Medical College concluded Memorandums with the following educational organizations in 2016-2017 academic year: Gomel State Medical College (Republic of Belarus) and Kazan Medical College (Russian Federation).

Under the guidance of Gulnara Kinzhitaevna, college teachers and students take an active part and become winners of international, National and regional competitions, projects, Academic Olympics, contests, Dorm Olympics, scientific and practical conferences:

  • Aimenova A., a fourth year Nursing Care student, won the first prize at open transregional scientific and practical conference with international attendees named "Medical precaution 2017" in Moscow, Russian Federation.
  • Vergelesova E., a fourth year Medical Care student, won the second prize in a creative round named "MeMy CollegeMy CityMy vocation" of the international first aid contest "Ақ барыс" dedicated to EXPO 2017. The event was organized in Kostanay for Medical Care graduates who are going to become Physician Assistants.
  • Hamzina A., a fourth year Nursing Care student, won the third prize at the National competition named "My vocation is dedicated to spiritual values" for rank of the "Best medical college graduate of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 2017" in 0302000 Nursing Care. The event was organized in Astana.
  • Alimuhanova B. N., special subject teacher, won the first prize at National contest "The best methodological development of a teaching lesson in Laboratory diagnostics" among medical colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Zelentsova T. V., Educational Psychologist and Psychology teacher, won the first prize in "Pedagogical skillfulness" nomination at National distance contest called "Me and my vocation". The event was organized for psychologists, speech pathologists and special-needs experts, preschool, general, technical and vocational education specialists by the training center TOO "New Opportunities" in Astana.

    Gulnara Kinzhitaevna constantly aspires to the growth of her professional skills by attending qualification improvement courses and actively participating in international, republican, regional scientific-practical seminars and conferences.

She has joined the Working Group of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the state policy on technical and professional, post-secondary, higher education in medical specialties.
Sitkazinova Gulnara Kinzhitaevna is particular and tactful person who loves her work and has authority over colleagues, students and their parents. She is always attentive, sympathetic and fair when it comes to her staff. Tolstoy L. N. once said that a good teacher needs to have only two qualities: a great knowledge and a great heart. These are exactly what our Principal have.

Way of kindness, mercy and expertise

Тонтаева Куралай БайтургановнаAfter graduating from school each graduate sees the vast expanses of opportunities before him. Someone makes his own choice which then becomes decisive in determining the future. So does the young girl who entered Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute for Medical Care in 1977. After getting the General Practitioner qualification she came to work to the Pavlodar Medical Specialized School where she has been training the future medical workers the wisdoms of this complex and humane profession for 34 years.

During her tenure she declared herself as a highly qualified and competent specialist. The main direction of her work is to organize an independent and creative work of students Tontaeva Kuralai Baiturganovna is an experienced and creative teacher. She has the highest qualification category among other special subjects teachers.

She gives lessons on a high scientific and methodological level using modern pedagogical technologies: personal-oriented training, Information and Communication Technologies, problem-oriented and simulation teaching. Knowledge and competent use of traditional and innovative teaching methods allows students to master program material effectively.

Her students are the winners of the international and National competitions:

  • Vergelesova E., a fourth year Medical Care student, won the second prize in a creative round named "MeMy CollegeMy CityMy vocation" of the international first aid contest "Ақ барыс" dedicated to EXPO 2017. The event was organized in Kostanay for Medical Care graduates who are going to become Physician Assistants.
  • Hamzina A., a fourth year Nursing Care student, won the third prize at the National competition named "My vocation is dedicated to spiritual values" for rank of the "Best medical college graduate of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 2017" in 0302000 Nursing Care. The event was organized in Astana.

She constantly improve her skill level by attending qualification improvement courses, seminars and master classes.

Kuralai Baiturganova is an experienced Head of the Department. She constantly provides methodological assistance to the new Heads of the Departments and supervising teachers. She pays particular attention to the cultivation of a responsibility and a culture of ethics among students.

Kuralai Baiturganovna brought up a whole series of paramedical workers. She is distinguished by a poactive attitude, industriousness, sensitivity and attentive attitude to people. She also enjoys prestige with colleagues and students. Our educational institution is famous for its doctors-educators who made a great contribution to its establishment. These extraordinary thinking people are constantly enthusiastic and creative. They are the best at what they do. Tontaeva Kuralai Baiturganovna is one of them.

The man who has took control of the time


1In order to be in demand nowadays, it is not enough to become an expert in one narrow specialty. It is necessary to expand your capabilities and be flexible generalist, care about your own educational institution, be obsessed with organization and deliver of sports and recreational events, cultivate a healthy lifestyle among younger generation.

Sidorov Nikolai Nikolaevich is an experienced and creative teacher and master of his craft who has the highest qualification category of a Physical Education teacher. He is the organizer and supervisor of all sports related activities in our college.

His pedagogical activity is aimed at strengthening the health of students in the conditions of constant updating and improvement of the content, forms and methods of physical education.

Sidorov N. N. delivers outdoor sports activities at the city scale on an annual basis. These events include "Сергеқтіқ", "Жас Батыр", "Қыздар сайысы". All events organized by Nikolai Nikolaevich and his team are broadcast in the information and sports blocks on the Pavlodar regional television.

The following Sidorov N. N. articles "Сергектік — 2016" and "Mix between Medecine and Sports" were published in "Ұстаздар" newspaper in 2017.

He is an instructor in physical training and sports, organizer and leader of all sports and mass events as well as holidays at the city and regional scale.

He is also the organizer and Сhief Referee of the regional Dorm Olympics among medical workers in nine sports. Under the leadership of Sidorov N. N. the team of the Pavlodar Higher Medical College team several times became the winner of the regional complex Dorm Olympics among medical workers.

In 2016 as a part of celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Pavlodar Higher Medical College representative team became the absolute champion of the regional complex Dorm Olympics among medical workers.

He prepared the winner Kabidenov E. a fourth year Nursing Care student who won the second prize at the regional winter soccer tournament.

The sports and recreational activities organized by him are broadcast on the regional television channels, such as Irbis, Kazakhstan Pavlodar and published on the Soccer Federation of Kazakhstan website as well as the following international website: http://rus.azattyq.org/azattyq.org.

He supervises the soccer sports section. He annually prepares the national college team for participation in various competitions. He also traditionally hosts winter and summer soccer tournaments.

He is the National Sports Judge of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the highest category in soccer.

Teaching is a vocation


Dana Armanovna is an experienced, creative teacher who has the highest qualification category. She skillfully creates an atmosphere of creativity and applies active methods to develop independence among students during the classes. She sets a high value on the teaching and methodological support of the subject. She developed a teaching and methodological complex for the following specialties: Nursing Care, Medical Care, collections of methodological recommendations for independent work of students and dictations reviewed by Turyshev A., professor, D.Litt. of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov. She gave an open lesson on the topic "С. Торайғыров. Қимыл-сын бағыныңқылы сабақтас құрмалас сөйлем" in 2013. The lesson was given on a high methodological level and was a part of the work plan of the regional educational and methodological association of Kazakh language and literature teachers.

Here is the list of her publications:

  • "Кәсіби қазақ тілі сабағында медицина лексикасын оқыту тәжірибесінен қолдану", Pavlodar regional newspaper "Pedagogical Bulletin" No. 3, March of 2012;
  • "Кәсіби қазақ тілін оқытуда тұрақты сөз тіркестері мен мақал-мәтелдерді қолдану", Pavlodar regional newspaper "Pedagogical Bulletin" No. 18, September of 2015;
  • "Кәсіби қазақ тілін оқытуда тұрақты сөз тіркестері мен мақал-мәтелдерді қолдану", Pavlodar regional public newspaper "Ертіс дидары" No. 1, March of 2015;
  • "Harmonious language policy is the most important factor in strengthening national unity", Pavlodar regional public newspaper "Ертіс дидары" No. 2 (166), April of 2016;
  • "Ақ халат тарихынан", Pavlodar regional public newspaper "Ертіс дидары" No. 11 (175), November of 2016;
  • "Медицина саласында дәрілік өсімдіктердің алатын орны", conference information package collected for "ХVІ Satpayev readings", an international scientific and practical conference for young scientists, students and school students, pavlodar, April of 2016;
  • "Медициналық колледжде мемлекеттік тілді оқыту барысында студенттің өзіндік жеке тұлғалық қасиетін танытуы", conference information package collected for the international scientific and practical conference called "Implementation of the Comprehensive Nursing Development Plan in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020 is the basis for reforming Nursing Care in Kazakhstan", Shymkent, May of 2016.

Dana Armanovna's students take an active part in community, regional and international competitions, Academic Olympics as well as scientific and practical conferences:

  • Ahmet M., a fourth year Medical Care student, participated in a community reciter contest named "Сұлтанмахмұттың қоңыр күзі" in 2013 and received an appreciation letter;
  • Kaipova G., a third year Nursing Care student, participated in a community reciter contest named "Оралхан Бөкей оқулары" in 2014 and received the Third Degree Diploma;
  • Habi B., a fourth year Nursing Care student, participated in a community reciter contest named "Сұлтанмахмұттың қоңыр күзі" in 2015 and received an appreciation letter;
  • Amangeldinova Zh., a third year Nursing Care student, participated in the Second Regional Polylingual Olympics in 2015 and received Certificate;
  • Amangeldinova Zh., a third year Nursing Care student, participated in the international scientific and practical conference for young scientists, students and school students named "ХVІ Satpayev readings" in 2016 and received Certificate;
  • Sekebaeva K., a first year Nursing Care student, participated in the international scientific and practical conference for young scientists, students and school students named "ХVІ Satpayev readings" in 2016 and received the Third Degree Diploma.