The helpline | Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" Department of Public Health of Pavlodar Region of the Akimat of Pavlodar Region

The helpline

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The helpline of the PSE on the REM "Pavlodar Higher Medical College"

62 81 25

Psychological support is provided by a teaching psychology expert

Ammri Zarina Sagindikovna


Tuesday and Friday

from 16.00 to 17.00

Every person has his/her own problems. The helpline makes it possible in such a situation to receive support, to be understood and accepted, to understand what is happening in a calm atmosphere and in a conversation with a benevolent person and decide what steps to take

Help on the helpline is always anonymous. The caller may not provide his/her name, address, or other details.

The helpline is the beginning of solving the problem. After contacting, you can start looking for a way out of a problem situation without unnecessary anxiety and stress. You still have to eliminate the cause of the request, but it is much easier to do this, when you know that you are not alone!

Crisis center for Pavlodar region

You can apply for psychological help anonymously, twenty-four seven and free of charge by phone

13-02 – helpline

8 800 080 34 34 (from any landline and mobile phone, free of charge in Pavlodar region).