History of the College | Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" Department of Public Health of Pavlodar Region of the Akimat of Pavlodar Region

History of the College

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Origins of Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College"

1 PSE on the REM "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" is one of the oldest secondary specialized educational institutions in region. It is a successor of a two-year nursing school established in 1949.
2 A brick building of 120 square metres was given to the nursing school for a teaching block. There were two class rooms, teachers' lounge and accountancy office. A small house was bought to become the dorm rooms for 8 students.
3 In 1954 the medical school was reorganized into Pavlodar Secondary Medical School. In 1995 the institution gained the status of Municipal State-Owned Public Enterprise "Pavlodar Medical College".

In the history of the college there were remarkable people who administered it:

Fatty (Belyanina) Maya Georgievna – headmistress of the Pavlodar two-year nursing school. Maya Georgievna had been in charge of the school for 11 years (1951-1962). She was awarded by «Za doblestnyj trud» medal and was the Excellent Worker of Public Health. Maya Georgievna was a dedicated teacher who did everything she can to teach the nurses well.


5 P.Z. Dubovenkova (Shulzhenko) had been a principal from 1963 to 1969. Polina Zaharvna was Obstetrician-Gynecologist and a master of her craft. She shared her extensive medical experience with the students eagerly. Her skills and innovative mindset were respected and praised by the collegues.

Dynkevich Sofja Abramovna had been the principal from 1969 to 1978. She was the Excellent Worker of Public Health of KazSSR and a participant in the Great Patriotic War. With the help of her executive talent the institution consolidated its facilities and resources: new building was assigned to it where another teaching block and more dorm rooms were situated afterwards. 6

7 Grishin Ilja Ilich had been administering the institution since 1982. At that time a devoted and creative staff was formed and the institution established itself as a talent foundry. College led by Ilja Ilich grew constantly. Facilities and resources were upgraded, new units were surfaced. Teaching techniques as well as training quality became better.

Sabyrhanova Alija Zhakenovna is the Recipient of «Кұрмет» Order who had been administering secondary medical school and after that the college from 1990 to 2013. During all those years she successfully fused together two roles: an administrative position and teaching. In 1991 she organized the unit of a skill improvement for medical technicians which was later transformed into the Continuing Education and Simulation Studies Centre. It is the only pre-university tutorial in this country where high school graduation and college admission exams are united for the sake of experiment. Only here graduates of specialized medical classes can get an entry to the second degree. Alija Zhakenovna has more than 50 contributions and articles in international, republic, regional and municipal publications. She is an author co-author of some learning guides and training toolkits for medical technicians which are succesfully used in medical institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and practical healthcare. The development of cooperation with other local and foreign (Russia, USA, Germany, Israel, Finland, etc.) medical academies and public medical organizations helps our college become a leader of a vocational training system.

In 1998 she initiated the Regional Public Association of Nurses which was transformed in 2013 into the Medical Association of Pavlodar Region «Salamatty Pavlodar».

For flawless and dedicated work Alija Zhakenovna Sabyrhanova has the following state and gavernment awards: "Kurmet" Order (2011), "Shapagat" medal (2004) and "Veteran of Labour (good honor dunk)» medal (2015), anniversary medals (2001-2006, 2008, 2011, 2016), "To the excellence of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" lapel button (1997), "Republic of Kazakhstan to excellence in healthcare" lapel button (1997), “Otlichnik obrazovanija RK” lapel button (1997), «Otlichnik zdrovoohranenija RK» lapel button (1997), “Pochetnyj rabotnik obrazovanija RK” lapel button (2006), "To the best of the healthcare workers' union of the Republic of Kazakhstan" lapel button (2006), "For Contribution to Healthcare" lapel button (2010), "For meritorious service to the region" badge (2008). From 2013 Alija Zhakenovna has been a Senior Citizen of Pavlodar. She also has letters of appreciation by Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Education, Akim of Pavlodar region, Maslikhat of Pavlodar region and others.


9 Vaganova Elena Nikolaevna had been in charge of the college from 2013. She is Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor with the extensive work experience in practical healthcare. She was also at the head of Regional Perinatal Centre and Perinatal Centre of Pavlodar region №2.