Review of recent books | Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" Department of Public Health of Pavlodar Region of the Akimat of Pavlodar Region

Review of recent books

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Please find hereby recent books, the main part of which is in medicine.

We wish you a pleasant reading for useful thinking, because, as the French writer Denis Diderot said,

People stop thinking when they stop reading”!


N.A.Tyukavkina, Bioorganic Chemistry

Manual of instruction for practical training / a study guide

The manual is a single complex with the textbook "Bioorganic Chemistry" (N.A. Tyukavkina, Yu.I.Baukov , S.E.Zurabyan – M .: GEOTAR-Media). This original educational and methodological complex was created on the basis of modern innovative technologies. Each topic of practical lessons includes a number of units for organizing and managing independent classroom and extracurricular work of students. Attention is paid to control and measuring materials with the presentation of typical options for tickets and tests of current and midterm control.

The manual is written at a high scientific and methodological level in accordance with the requirements of problem-modular training.

Designed for medical students.

Internal medicine: module "Gastroenterology": textbook in Kazakh and Russian / E. M. Laryushina. L. G. Turgunova, A. A. Kim, G. G. Ospanova.

The content of the textbook corresponds to the program of internal diseases in the module "Gastroenterology" of the specialty "General medicine" and has continuity with the integrated textbook of the module "Digestive system" of basic disciplines. The form of construction of the textbook is aimed at the ability to conduct a diagnostic search for gastroenterological syndromes. The textbook presents modern classifications, diagnostic criteria and principles of treatment of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking into account the current clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment in Kazakhstan, international recommendations. It also covers the issues of diagnosis, treatment of viral hepatitis and acute intestinal infection.

The textbook is intended for medical students.

Internal medicine: Endocrinology / textbook

Сontent of the textbook corresponds to the program of internal diseases in the "Endocrinology" module of the specialty "General Medicine" and has continuity with the integrated textbook of the "Endocrine System" module of basic disciplines. The form of the textbook is aimed at developing clinical skills in identifying symptoms and syndromes most often encountered among patients with endocrine pathology, the ability to conduct a diagnostic search for the most

common endocrine diseases. The textbook presents modern classifications, diagnosis criteria, treatment principles, taking into account the diagnostic and treatment protocols in force in Kazakhstan, and international recommendations.

The textbook is intended for medical schools.

The textbook on the Respiratory System module

is intended for students studying in an integrated system. The material is presented in accordance with State Obligatory Education Standard -2006 and the Model Curriculum for the Respiratory System of eight disciplines: human anatomy, histology, normal physiology, propedeutics of internal diseases, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, visual diagnostics and pharmacology.

Textbook on the module "Hematopoietic system"

The textbook on the "Hematopoietic system" module is intended for students studying in an integrated system. The material is presented in accordance with State Obligatory Education Standard -2006 and the Model Curriculum for the hematopoietic system of eight disciplines: human anatomy, histology, normal physiology, propedeutics of internal diseases, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, visual diagnostics and pharmacology.

Textbook on the module "Hematopoietic system"

The textbook on the "Hematopoietic system" module is intended for students studying in an integrated system. The material is presented in accordance with State Obligatory Education Standard -2006 and the Model Curriculum for the hematopoietic system of eight disciplines: human anatomy, histology, normal physiology, propedeutics of internal diseases, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, visual diagnostics and pharmacology.

Workshop on inorganic chemistry: study guide in Kazakh and Russian languages

The study guide contains the topic and content of classes, a description of laboratory work, a list of questions and exercises discussed in the classroom. For each topic, the theoretical foundations of the applied methods, the solution of typical problems and instructions for the calculation and processing of experimental data are given in a structured form. The guide also provides reference data that are necessary to perform laboratory work.

The study guide in inorganic chemistry was compiled on the basis of a standard program in inorganic chemistry and is intended for students of higher medical educational institutions.

Quantitative analysis method in analytical chemistry: a tutorial in Kazakh and Russian languages

The Quantitative Analysis in Analytical Chemistry study guide is based on the Analytical Chemistry Model Curriculum for University Students.

Each section includes theoretical material and laboratory work; tests for self-control are given at the end of each section.

It is intended for students of medical educational institutions studying in the specialties 5В110300 "Pharmacy" and 5В074800 "Technology of pharmaceutical production".

Biological chemistry in questions and answers: a study guide / L. A. Zakirova, T. A. Borovik.

The study guide is in the form of questions and answers. The theoretical foundations of biological chemistry are set out by sections: the structure and function of proteins and amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and hormones, metabolism and energy, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, water and salts.

The study guide is intended for students of medical schools and colleges enrolled in the specialty 31.02.03 "Laboratory diagnostics"

Fundamentals of sociology and political science: textbook / G.V. Pieces, E. M. Avanesyants.

The textbook contains modern views of domestic and foreign scientists on social and political processes in society. In addition to theoretical material, the manual includes educational and theoretical, practical and logical questions and tasks, questions for reflection, didactic material, methodological recommendations for classes and information on the methodology for classes.

Designed for students of medical schools and colleges

Organization and management of pharmaceutical activities: a study guide

The study guide provides a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the issues of classical management, taking into account the peculiarities of the sphere of circulation of medicines. The main provisions in terms of the organization of pharmaceutical activities, theory and practice of management, personnel management are presented. The study of the material presented will allow not only to acquire and expand theoretical knowledge, but also to use the recommendations contained in it for practical work. The guide contains control questions, as well as a section of test items for the studied sections. Meets the requirements of the current federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 33.02.01 "Pharmacy".

The publication is intended for students of pharmaceutical technical schools and colleges, and may also be useful for students of advanced training courses and practitioners in the field of drug circulation

Organization and management of pharmaceutical activities: a study guide

The study guide provides a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the issues of classical management, taking into account the peculiarities of the sphere of circulation of medicines. The main provisions in terms of the organization of pharmaceutical activities, theory and practice of management, personnel management are presented. The study of the material presented will allow not only to acquire and expand theoretical knowledge, but also to use the recommendations contained in it for practical work. The guide contains control questions, as well as a section of test items for the studied sections. Meets the requirements of the current federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 33.02.01 "Pharmacy".

The publication is intended for students of pharmaceutical technical schools and colleges, and may also be useful for students of advanced training courses and practitioners in the field of drug circulation.

Fundamentals of Law: Textbook

The textbook was written by a team of employees of the Department of Medical Law of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University).

The content of the publication reflects the requirements of the current federal state educational standards for all medical specialties of secondary vocational education and is aimed at the formation of legal competencies that allow successfully performing labor functions in accordance with professional standards under the current legislation.

The book presents a detailed analysis of the general provisions of the main branches of the legal system of the Russian Federation in their relationship with the current legislation governing legal relations in the field of public health protection.

Designed for students of institutions of secondary vocational education