Tips for teachers | Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" Department of Public Health of Pavlodar Region of the Akimat of Pavlodar Region

Tips for teachers

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A certain distance must be maintained between the teacher and the student, which must not be violated by both parties.

The student group should have an atmosphere of friendship, creativity and joy, since this group should replace the student's home for several years. It is necessary to support the desire for scientific research and knowledge in the student group.

Typically, a student who has committed an offense has many reasons to justify himself. An experienced teacher must skillfully destroy these arguments with the help of public opinion of the collective, arouse the student's desire to improve. Guilt is a sense of responsibility, and its upbringing is an urgent task of the teacher.

It is necessary to teach students the art of polemics, participating in discussions, while showing tact in relation to each other. It should be made clear that it is the statements made by the students that are criticized, not the student himself. The logic of the dispute requires arguments, evidence, and not peremptory emotions or categorical judgments.

Convincing students of the practical importance and usefulness of work is one of the elements of building relationships. When assigning something to a student, you should convince him that this is not done because of the lack of personal time of the teacher, but because he can do it no worse than the teacher. We must be equally fair to all students, evaluate their work objectively, based on specific cases, and not out of personal sympathy, try to find a common language with students, common interest.




(memo for a teacher)

Give students the opportunity to feel important:

• Consider the opinions of students when choosing topics and methods of holding classes, topics of course projects and works.

• Convince students of the practical importance and usefulness of the work.

• When assigning something to a student, convince him that you do it not because of a lack of personal time, but because s/he can do it as well as you.

• Celebrate good work. Give the opportunity to other students to familiarize themselves with this work.

• Listen to students' opinions, even if they are opposite to yours. Don't suppress their initiative.

• Respect the student's dignity.

• Try to address the student by name.

Get to know and understand students better:

• Take an interest in the state of affairs of students, their problems and concerns.

• Engage students in real business: methodological, scientific, etc.

• Encourage student initiative.

• Give the student the opportunity to express their point of view.

• Put yourself in the student's shoes more often. Think of yourself as a student.

• Do not try to influence the student by order or reproach. Try to talk calmly and find out his/her problems.

• Allow the student to contact you with questions of interest.

• Cooperate with the headman and group leader

• Try to meet with students in an informal setting, such as attending their holidays, concerts, events.

Increase your credibility in the eyes of students:

• Try not to make promises that you doubt they will keep.

• Be equally fair to all students. Evaluate their work objectively, based on specific cases, and not on personal sympathies.

• Try to find time to collaborate with students.

• Schedule a consultation time with the students. Strictly adhere to this schedule.

• Try to find a common language with students, to identify a common interest.

• Have an attractive appearance. Leave your bad mood at home.

• Be punctual.

Influence the student's position skillfully:

• Start your day thinking that all students are good guys and that you will have interesting work with them today.

• Lead by example. Don't expect students to follow your rules if you don't follow them yourself.

• Remember: if the teacher is not interested in the work, the student will not be interested either.

• Do not create stress in the classroom.

• Give the student time to practice on their own. Advise where s/he can go for help if necessary.

• Check his practice from time to time to see if he is wrong about anything.

• Show respect. Don't be arrogant, harsh, or too hard. Don't be too familiar.

• Trust students: expect good results from them.

• Encourage openness and sincerity. Do not try at all costs and at any cost to prove your case. The more you attack, the less the student will want to communicate with you.

• In a dispute, do not rely on your age and position. In the eyes of students, this does not always look convincing.

• And remember, students are not born with the belief that they should lay their lives on the altar of the institute. They have other problems as well.


("Harmful" tips from students to teachers)

1. Starting to communicate with students, immediately give them the following setting:

Point 1: the teacher is always right;

Point 2: If the teacher is wrong, see point 1.

2. Communicate with students on the principle "there are two opinions – mine and wrong."

3. Do not listen to the student, s/he will not offer anything important.

4. Do not be interested in the student's problems, you have enough of your own.

5. Don't go to student events, it's quieter at home.

6. Don't try to understand students: they are people from another planet.

7. Listen to the student and do the opposite.

8. Communicate with students according to the principle "fears means respects"

9. Intimidate the student before exams, let him/her get nervous.

10. Do not come on time for a consultation – waiting increases the joy of the meeting.

11. Do not make advances – students will get a free ride.

12. Never explain to a student the questions that interest him/her: curiosity killed the cat.

13. Always remember: the headman is the scapegoat.

14. Do not answer the students 'questions, why or why this should be done – the sailors' job is to scrub the deck and not think about where the ship is going.

15. When communicating with students, use raised tones more often – they are better absorbed by impressionable students.

16. Always try to be vague and cryptic. Let the student wonder what you wanted to say – it strengthens the brain.

17. When communicating with students, rely on the threat: fear is the best stimulator of student performance.

18. Reject anything new that students have to offer, explain it by saying that it will become old anyway.

19. Let the thought soothe you every day: if things are going wrong, it is the students' fault, if things are going well, it is the result of your wise leadership.