Professional internship | Public State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Pavlodar Higher Medical College" Department of Public Health of Pavlodar Region of the Akimat of Pavlodar Region

Professional internship

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Health of the nation is a nationwide concern

N. Nazarbayev



Professional internship

Organization, prearrangement and implementation of the internship is performed in accordance with the order No. 287 On approval of methodological recommendations for organization and implementation of the student internship in basic and secondary vocational education institutions by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 5, 2004, Regulation on organization and implementation of the student internship in medical colleges and approved curricula based on the requirements of the State General Education Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan applicable to medical specialties.

Main goals:

  • ✏ involvement with medical treatment and preventive care institutions to develop and reinforce professional skills throughout all stages of student internship;
  • ✏ applying innovative nursing care technologies to improve training quality;
  • ✏ methodological and institutional training quality control applied to graduates;
  • ✏ studying the needs of regional practical healthcare for middle ranking healthcare personnel with the view of graduate employment.
Every year regional Department of Health declares a list of the standard medical treatment and preventive care institutions. 42 municipal and regional healthcare providers (including pharmacy) signed contracts to provide students with proper conditions and individual working places during externship and internship. These contracts include types of work and project scope as well as mutual demands on training specialists for municipal and regional health care institutions.

To make hands-on training sessions possible 41 classrooms and labs were prepared at the college. For the same reason 10 exam rooms were appointed at the premises of the following medical treatment and preventive care institutions:

  • · regional hospital named after G. Sultanov;· regional children's hospital;

    · regional infectious diseases hospital;

    · regional oncological dispensary;

    · regional perinatal centre;

    · regional cardiology centre;

    · regional narcological dispensary;

    · Pavlodar City Hospital No. 1;

    · Pavlodar City Hospital No. 3;

    · regional dental polyclinic;

    · Pavlodar district polyclinic;

    · TOO Panaceja.

Material and technical resources come with classrooms and labs equipped with all necessary tools and technologies, 5 computer classrooms, library with reference room, gym, workout room and auditorium and dining hall. The environment there is best suited for medical technicians to develop the basic professional skills. The way the classrooms look is quite similar to the real workplace of the future professional. You can find a passport, work schedule, teaching and learning aids in each classroom. Information stands are arranged to provide students with all necessary info.

College classrooms and labs are equipped with modern inventory and gears including training models designed to care for older patients and infants. Also it helps to understand how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiophony and auscultation of the lungs. There are versatile training models allowing to gain proficiency in nursing, etc.

It's worth to say that college students are always welcome at the clinical sites and allowed to participate in almost all diagnostic and therapeutical procedures. Our students provide major contribution to the patient care.


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There are syllabi for each kind of practical training. Teachers use these syllabi examples for developing steering documents. Details of steering documents suit the purposes, goals and specific features of the curriculum and aim to develop competence and skills which are necessary for individual work.

Methodological supervisers are appointed by Principal's order. They are chosen from qualified college teachers according to their respective fields. Indirect and direct field instructors are apponited to control and arrange internship. They are chosen among practical healthcare specialists. Unified documentation templates, such as internship report card for both students and methodological supervisers, as well as guidelines on how to complete them were developed for interning. By the end of the internship competence and skills are reviewed. Teachers created verification tools to perform the review.

During the course of two years a non-diversified pre-graduation internship has been implemented. This decision was made over the claim from medical organization on staffing requirements specialized in particular fields and request for further inevitable employment of the graduate who undertook the internship there. Thus, trilateral agreement is made among three parties: college-graduate-medical organization.

In the eye of the graduate, it is easier now to adjust at the workplace. As regards to the medical treatment and preventive care institutions, it heighten their interest in making their future staff member as qualified as possible.

Every year the Extended Education Centre for Medical and Pharmacy Technicians arranges a refresher course in Medical and Therapeutic Massage for those students who want to get a supplementary education.

Analysis of the results of the pre-graduation internship review


Analysis of the results of the State certification of students' competence and skills shows a decent level of qualification.

It became common to set a practical stage of the complex State exams in Medical Care and Nursing Care at the bedside of the patient in the medical treatment and preventive care institutions.

Also, college teachers collaborate with representatives of foreign educational and medical institutions. It involves participating in international congresses, conventions, conferences; sharing experiences in latest educational and medical issues; using academic innovations and implementing new technologies into educational process.

Thus, the following features are already presented in the college:

  • ✏ practical training is provided with a goal in mind, systematically according to the confirmed regulations and State General Education Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a part of the approved Concept of the modern education and personal development;
  • ✏ there is a stable and results-oriented process of improving methodological, material and technical resources of the college;
  • ✏ the number of training places corresponds to the training load and the number of educational program specializations;
  • ✏ the educational process is arranged in such a way that curriculum and medical specialist training programs are performed without any issues.

At the same time the following points should be further addressed:

  • ✏ improving social partnership with the medical organizations to implement a dual education system;
  • ✏ continue working to provide the educational process with the methodological, material and technical resources;
  • ✏ improving the quality of educational requirements for graduation.